Former World Cup Alpine Competitor
Hasegawa Emi
March 2003 FEC (アジアトオプレース) スーパー大合転Winner
In March 2003, All-Japan Player 権SG won the championship. In February 2004, the third place in the grand contest was won. In February 2004, the contest was won in the third place. In February 2005, the contestant won the third place in the grand contest. 200 In February 2008, the winner of the return ticket was the winner. In January 2008, the winner was the winner of the return ticket. Daihuiju (the first three crowns in history)
In February 2008, the All-Japanese contestant Hansuke won the Grand Hydra
Won the FEC Grand Finale in March 2008
In March 2010, the 4th place of the contestant Haidai of Ireana
February 2011 world player
February 2011 FEC スーパーコンビwinner
January 2012 FEC Return and Grand Return Winner
February 2012 FEC スーパーコンビwinner
March 2012 FEC Return and Grand Return Winner
2nd place in FEC Grand Finals in March 2012
In March 2013, the world player returned to 19th place
In March 2014, the All-Japanese players Haigyu and Ouhei won the championship.
Ranked 18th among world players in February 2015