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Echigo Yuzawa

Private ski lessons

Private ski lessons

Regular price ¥55,000 JPY
Regular price ¥55,000 JPY Sale price ¥55,000 JPY
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
Course Type
Course duration

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2024/25 Ski courses are divided into half-day 3-hour courses and full-day 5-hour courses

3-hour course : 55,000 yen, no lunch break
5-hour course : 75,000 yen, plus a 1-hour lunch break

    In order to maintain the quality of teaching, the number of people in the course is limited to 1-4 people (one price for 1 to 4 people)
    If more than 4 people need to take classes at the same time, additional fees will be charged. Please contact customer service.

    • It is recommended that children under 10 years old take classes separately from adults
    • If you are in the same class, it is recommended that the skating level is similar
    • The course fee does not include ski equipment and transportation. If you need equipment rental, please feel free to ask customer service for relevant information.

    For more information, please see the registration instructions below

    • Coach is experienced
    • Time is easy to adjust
    • Choose your ski resort
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    What are single boards and double boards? What's the difference?

    • Ski

      The most classic skiing sport is similar to inline skating, skating and other sports. When skating, you move forward. Because your feet can move independently, it is relatively easy to get started.

    • Snowboard

      Similar to skateboarding, surfing and other board sports, they all move sideways, but since both feet are tied to the same board, it is relatively difficult to balance at first.

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    • Convenient transportation

      The fastest trip from Tokyo Station is 73 minutes , and there are more than 10 ski resorts to choose from after leaving the station.

    • Plenty of natural snow

      In Japan's heavy snow areas, you can do it in one night, and the snow season can last from mid-December to early May of the following year.

    • 800-year-old hot spring area

      It is a weakly alkaline hot spring. It is really a great pleasure to soak in the hot spring after skiing when the whole body is sore.

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    Best areas for beginners to ski

    Echigo Yuzawa

    "After passing through the long tunnel in the prefecture, you will reach the snow country" - Kawabata Yasunari

    • Japanese legal company

      We have a company in Japan, and the coaches all hold work visas and teach students regularly.

    • Snow resort authorized teaching license

      The ski resorts where teaching is conducted have obtained the authorized teaching license of the ski resort, so you can attend class with peace of mind and no worries.

    • Take out course insurance

      All courses at Audulang are insured and are protected in case of emergencies.

    • International Coaching Certificate

      All coaches have international coaching certificates and have been fully trained to provide professional teaching services to students.

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    common problem

    What is included in the course fee?

    Includes 3 or 5 hours of ski lessons with a ski instructor.

    Ski equipment, ski tickets (lift tickets), and insurance are not included

    What do I need to prepare before class?

    You need to prepare the following items

    • Snow ticket (same as lift ticket)
    • Ski equipment (ski jacket, ski pants, snowshoes, gloves, snowboard/snowboard or double board, helmet, protective equipment)
    • For a happy and calm heart, it is recommended to have a good rest the night before, not drink alcohol, and get enough sleep.

    At what age is it suitable for children to ski?

    Advice for children

    It is recommended that children can clearly understand the coach's instructions before starting to play this sport. If there are children and adults who are both beginners, it is recommended that adults and children take separate classes.

    Age definition of child students: children aged 3-8 years.

    Note: 1:1 teaching is recommended for ages 3-6.

    There are many ski resorts in Yuzawa area, how should you choose?

    When choosing a ski resort, if you are new to skiing, you should choose a ski resort that is close to your accommodation or a ski equipment rental store and has multiple shuttle buses to the ski resort.

    "Self-driving" is also a good mode of transportation. The driving time should not exceed 20-30 minutes at the ski resort. You can leave your ski equipment, equipment, and luggage without waiting for transfer time.